In Him is All of Life  
Writings from Rojen Christian Ministry  


A Prayer of Penitence Before Remarriage

Our Heavenly Father, in Your presence and before this congregation,

we express our sorrow for anything in our behaviour and attitude

that may have caused the breakdown of our marriages.

We freely forgive our previous partners for any wrong they may have done us.

We are deeply sorry that we failed to keep the vows we sincerely made before You

and humbly pray for Your forgiveness and pardon.


(We wrote this prayer to use at the very beginning of our wedding ceremony.
It is based on one we read in a daily newspaper).

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May Jesus the King reign in our hearts,

His love unite us

and His peace remain with us

forever more.

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May Jesus the King reign in your hearts

His love unite you

and His peace remain with you

forever more.

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May you have many memories to treasure

of your love without measure.

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May God,

who joined your hearts together,

bless your love

now and forever.

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A Successful Marriage

is one where both partners remember

that the most important part of their relationship

is neither is always right or always strong,

always clever or always first.

It is where a balance between the partners

is maintained on the basis of mutual respect.

Each has a sufficient belief in themselves and trust in their partner,

that they can relax and be themselves to each other.


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As you celebrate together

your Anniversary Day,

give thanks for all the blessings

you`ve shared along the way.

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God has given you His

Precious Gift Of Love

which you share with each other

and those around you.

May He continue to fill you with His

Precious Gift Of Love

as you walk hand in hand into the future

which He has planned for you.

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Love is more than a feeling,

love is a decision

a commitment to care forever.

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Marriage is the blending of

two lives

two loves

two hearts.

It`s a wonderful magical moment

when a beautiful love story starts.

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Your marriage is about love


  beareth all things

believeth all things

hopeth all things

endureth all things.

Love never fails.

(1 Corinthians 13).

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 Flower 5 

Marriage Miscellany

A let your ANGER be resolved before you say “Good-night”

B Keep your life-style in BALANCE

C Be COMPANIONS, have plenty of CUDDLES

D Share your hopes and your DREAMS

E ENCOMPASS those around with loving concern, share your EMOTIONS

F Be prepared to FORGIVE and FORGET

G Let each other GROW as individuals

H Be HONEST with each other

I “I” is not the most IMPORTANT word, but say “I love you” at least once a day

J Be prepared to be JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES for each other

K be KIND even it`s your turn at the KITCHEN SINK

L LEARN new things together and about each other

M Examine the MOTIVES of your actions and decisions

N NURTURE your relationship

O Be OPEN with each other

P Be at PEACE with each other, PRAY together

Q Have a QUIET-TIME together everyday

R Have RESPECT for each other`s opinions

S Give each other SPACE in which to grow; have the occasional SURPRISE

T TRUST each other: Share TOGETHERNESS


V Share a sense of VALUES : remember the VOWS you made on your wedding day

W Do something WACKY from time to time

X Be prepared to go the XTRA mile

Y Stay YOUNG at heart

Z Retain a ZEST for life

Above all, let God dwell in your midst and be happy together.

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May God, who joined your hearts together,

bless your love now and forever.

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is a day for reminiscing

as you recall your wedding day

and reflect upon your lives together


is a day to give thanks to God,

for in His presence

you`ve shared many happy times together

and with His grace

you`ve overcome problems and difficulties


is a day to thank each other

for those experiences,

for being lovers, friends and good companions


is a day to reaffirm the vows you made,

to promise to love and cherish each other

as you look forward to the future together.

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You stand on the threshold of your life together,

facing uncharted territories.

Sometimes the pathway ahead will be smooth,

life will be good, with shared times of happiness :

You will discover new ways of learning together

and realise that contentment can be found

in the simplest of pleasures.

Sometimes the road will be rough

when it will be easy to trip and fall :

reach out a hand to support and lift each other up.

Sometimes it will be a steep mountainside,

the summit nowhere to be seen:

give encouragement and strive together.

Sometimes it will be dark, hope all but gone :

be a light on the pathway, each for the other.

Remember that through the years you will share together

God will walk with you,

guiding and guarding each step of the way.

The precious love between you will strengthen and deepen

as He upholds you through the twists and turns of life`s pathway

and His grace will sustain you at all times.

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