In Him is All of Life  
Writings from Rojen Christian Ministry  

God in Jesus

Come away, my love, come to Jesus

come away, my love, come to Jesus

There you`ll find a land so fair,

where all is tender love and care

So come away, come away, my love,

come my love, if you dare

* * *


Come to the foot of the cross and kneel

come to the foot of the cross and feel

the love of the Lord flowing out to you

Look up, look up and what do you see?

the Lamb of God at Calvary

Look up, look up and what do you see?

in love He`s there for you and me

Look up, look up and what do you see?

The tears of the Lord shed for you and me

Look up look up and what do you see?

His blood flowing out for you and me

Look up, look up and what do you see?

His arms outstretched for you and me.

Look up, look up and what do you see?

He`s dying there for you and me.

Look inside yourself and what do you see?

A soul in torment and misery.

Look up, look up and what do you see?

A heart that`s waiting to be set free.

So come to the Lord at Calvary,

the One who forgives and set you free.

Come to the Lord at Calvary,

He`s waiting there for you and me.

Come to the foot of the cross and kneel

come to the foot of the cross and feel

the love of the Lord flowing out to you.


* * *


Written following a sermon by Don Bridle:

For too long, Lord,

the door of my heart has been closed to Your pleadings.

The light of Your love hasn`t filtered through the cobwebs

to the nooks and crannies of my soul

How could I close my heart to You?

How could I turn my face from the sunlight of Your smile?

Now I hear You knocking and realize I`m not worthy to receive You,

for my sins have tainted and tarnished my life;

they`ve brought disgrace and dishonour

to Your Holy Name.

How could I fall so far from You?

How could I turn my face from the sunlight of Your smile?

The very thought of being away from You brings tears to my eyes.

My soul weeps with anguish at the pain which I`ve caused You.

O Lord, hear my prayer. Wipe my tears away

How could I wander so far from You?

How could I turn my face from the sunlight of Your smile?

O Lord, help me to open the door…help me…

a little more…a little more…

The door is open.

The light of Your love is flooding in.

The breath of Your Spirit is moving within me, convincing me of sin.

I come for cleansing from the blood of the Lamb,

the One who accepts me just as I am,

who carried the weight of my wretchedness on His shoulders

and breathed His last for me at Calvary.

Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus,

You ransomed and redeemed me, You set my spirit free.

Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus,

I worship and adore You and praise Your Holy Name.

Now the light of Your love shines in my heart

and I turn my face towards the sunlight of Your smile.


* * *


In solitude and silence,

let Jesus` love wrap you round, don`t make a sound.

Be still in His presence,

don`t read, don`t pray, just be.

Let His peace flow through to the very depth of your being,

to the innermost places of your soul.

Be still in His presence,

don`t read, don`t pray, just be.

Imagine He`s sitting beside you,holding your hand;

in quietness and stillness He waits with you,He will understand.

Be still in His presence,

don`t read, don`t pray, just be.

No need of words with a friend like this,for your tears and your smiles

He will not dismiss;

don`t keep Him at the other side of your self-made abyss.

In solitude and silence

let Jesus` love wrap you round, don`t make a sound.

Be still in His presence,

don`t read, don`t pray, just be.


* * *


Jesus Christ, born in a manger

for us facing every danger

Jesus is your elder brother

He will love you like no other

Jesus has the answer to your every prayer

He will keep you in His tender care

Jesus will all your burdens bare

come to Him, your problems share

Jesus was crucified for you,

He will give you life anew

Jesus died for you and me,

come, worship Him on bended knee

Jesus is your life, your way, your end,

your faithful never changing friend

Jesus is your guardian true

He will take good care of you

Jesus the King will reign in your heart

but first you must make your old self depart

Jesus, your rock and hiding place

will give you all sufficient grace

The names and qualities of Jesus are too numerous to mention.

Why not give it some of your attention?


* * *


Flower 10



 Flower 10 


Today Jesus says…

To the lonely,

I will come to be your companion,

for I know what it`s like to be lonely

To the weak in spirit,

I will come to be with you,

for I have faced temptations and difficult decisions

To the unsure,

I will come to lead you like a shepherd,

I understand

and have spent much time alone with my Father in prayer

To the alcoholic and drug addict

I will come to take away your cravings and dependency

and give you my love in your heart

To the depressed

I will come to nourish your soul and give you a purpose for living

To the homeless

I will come to say “I understand”, for I was a homeless refugee

To the dispossessed

I will come to give you a place in my kingdom,

for I was a stranger in an alien land

To the sick

I will come to hold your hand,

for I know what it`s like to suffer and experience pain

To those who weep

I will come to wipe away your tears, for I know what it`s like to cry

To the mourning

I will come to share your sorrow

for I know what it`s like to lose a loved one

To the dying

I will come to be your companion

as you journey towards the celestial city which is your home

* * *


This was written on 10th September 2001,
the day before the Twin Towers disaster in New York.

It is dedicated to those who died or suffer
as a result of that day.

We cry for the death of a loved one

we cry for the slaughter of innocents

we cry for the homeless and the dispossessed

we cry for the child who will never be blessed

Don`t be afraid to cry when Jesus passes by

My Lord wept for me in Gethsemane

my Lord wept for me up on Calvary`s tree.

Still He weeps for the soul that`s darkened with sin,

still He weeps for the heart that won`t let Him in.

Don`t be afraid to cry when Jesus passes by

He`ll come to your side when He sees your tears

He`ll come to abide to dispel your fears.

Turn to Him now, reach out for His hand

whatever your need He will understand.

Don`t be afraid to cry when Jesus passes by


* * *

You told us to love You

How often have we closed our hearts?

You told us to give to the poor

How often have we closed our door?

You told us to share what You provide.

How often have we kept it at our side?

You told us to serve our brother

How often have we neglected one another?


I tell you the truth, whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did it for me.

(Matthew 25:40)

* * *


Yours are the hands

which moulded the world at the dawn of creation

worked at the carpenter`s bench with hammer, plane and saw

touched eyes of the blind, giving sight

welcomed little children and put them on Your knee

blessed bread and wine

prayed for release in the garden on that fateful night

were shackled at arrest

hands whose flesh was severed

whose bones were shattered on Calvary

shown to Thomas when he doubted.

Yours are the hands which draw me nearer, ever nearer

close enough to touch those scars earned at the carpenter`s bench

and on the cross

yet still so gentle and tender

hands so grossly marred on that day of Your chosen destiny….

Chosen destiny?

Yes, for even You could have turned Your back on the way of the cross

The Via Dolorosa.

You were oppressed and afflicted

You were led like a lamb to the slaughter.

Today you carry my sorrows

the punishment that brings me peace was on You

and by Your wounds I am healed


Lord Jesus, keep Your wounded and scarred hands ever before me

that I may recall the love which bore the pain for me

that I may grasp them in times of trouble

and clasp them with delight in times of joy




Jesus King, we come into Your presence

Jesus King, we bow before You now

What can we give to You?

You the Lord of all creation; You the Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of all time and history, Lord of all eternity.

What can we offer you?

You, who came to show us how to live, You, who came to show us love.

Lord, You were selfless and forgiving, Lord, You were our sacrifice.

Jesus King, we come to give ourselves to You,

Jesus King, we offer You our love.

* * *


I bring you Jesus, I bring my Lord,

I bring you Jesus, I bring my Lord.

Come see His majesty, gaze on His beauty,

see His great humility and see the scars He bore for me.

From heaven`s high throne He came, Jesus, Name above all names,

came to such a lowly birth, came to save the sons of earth.

He walks the streets of gold in heaven where none grow old,

He walked the dusty road below that all men His love might know.

I bring you Jesus, I bring my Lord,

I bring You Jesus, I bring my Lord.


* * *

'I bring you Jesus'

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