In Him is All of Life
Writings from Rojen Christian Ministry  


Christmas comes but once a year,

time to think of those so dear;

to remember with tears, or maybe with smiles,

how we walk together along life's miles.

A time to thank you for all we share

and for your loving tender care;

time to thank the Lord above

for all the joy and all the love.


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In our dark world

God brings light

In our cold world

God offers the warmth of His love

In our dying world

God brings abundant life

When we are uncertain

these truths give us confidence.


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In this dark world

God brings life through the Christ-Child

He offers His love to the world.


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May the King of Christmas rule our hearts

the love of Christmas unite us

and the peace of Christmas remain with us

now and forever more.


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May the Light of the Christ-Child

guide you to the manger

the Leading of the Christ-Child

keep you safe from danger

and the Love of the Christ-Child

bid you welcome friend and stranger.


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Jesus has come

We seek the Hope that His coming assures

we seek the Love that His coming brings

we seek the Joy that His coming inspires.


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No Room

no, there isn`t any room for the Son of God to be born

This Child will be the

Wonderful Cousellor, the Mighty God

the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace

and yet…

there`s no room for Him

No room for the Son of God to be born

The Spirit of Wisdom will rest upon Him

the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Knowledge

and the Fear of the Lord

and yet…

there`s no room for Him

No room for the Son of God to be born

We will despise and reject Him,

for ius He will suffer pain

Because of our sins He will suffer

because of our sins He will die

and yet…

there`s no room for Him

No room for the Son of God to be born.

Is there room

for Him to be born in your heart?


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The Legend of the Poinsettia

On Christmas Eve, long ago,

a poor Mexican girl had no fine present

to give to the Christ-Child.


She was consoled by her cousin, Pedro who said,

“I`m sure that the most humble gift, given in love,

will be acceptable in His eyes.”

So on her way to Midnight Mass she gathered a bouquet

of the most humble weeds.

When she went into the church the people laughed at her gift,

but as she laid the flowers at the feet of the Christ-Child,

there was a miracle.

Her weeds burst into brilliant bloom.

Since then they have been known as

“The Flowers of the Holy Night.”

We call them Poinsettias, after
Dr. J. R. Poinsett who found them in Mexico.
